Teacher Spotlight: Conor O’Bar
It may come as a surprise to you but I often don’t have a constant flow of internal energy. I consider my energy to be precious, so I’ve trained myself to conserve it so I can tap into it when needed.
Discovering the power of breath
This March we have been fully focused on all things breath. Think Pranayama. Controlling, cultivating and enhancing that precious Prana, the divine life force, that we all have inside of us.
Atma-Prema. Unconditional self love
Far too often when someone mentions those two infamous words “Self-Love” we recoil for the thought of self-indulgence, those scary narcissists and the frivolity of it! Just before you run for the self-loveless-hills, let’s take a moment to really delve into what we mean in the purest, most natural and simplistic form.
Keeping well with Ayurvedic food
We might not be a mystic meg and have the ability to predict the future, but we might be able to shed some light on how to reset, shed 2020 and release anything that might no longer serve you and your intentions for the new year ahead…